Economic Empowerment of Women Home Based Workers (HBWs) and Excluded Groups in Pakistan

End Term Project Evaluation Report

End Term Project Evaluation Report

The project “Economic Empowerment of Women Home Based Workers (HBWs) and Excluded Groups in Pakistan” had a three-year duration (April 2017-June 2020). The project is also referred as ‘the third phase of WEE Programme’ conceived jointly with Government of Norway’s support and funding through a shared strategic interest in promotion and protection of WHBWs. The project used a three-pronged approach and through an integrated strategy worked with:

  1. National and provincial governments to advocate, influence and provide technical assistance for policies and legislation for protection of HBWs’ interests.
  2. Civil society and other stakeholders including women with disabilities and transgender,3 women informal workers living below the poverty line, and women affected by conflicts.
  3. The private sector for building enabling and a favourable environment for women.

The overall purpose of this summative evaluation is to learn about the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and contributions towards impact in women HBWs lives that can be attributed to this project. UN Women, its donor and local partners would use the findings and recommendations from this evaluation to inform their future project planning in this thematic area.

In terms of the scope, the evaluation covered project geographical sites (districts) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh provinces and consulted all its stakeholders and beneficiaries including women with disabilities and transgender persons. The Evaluation Matrix and research questions were designed to generate evidence of impact and change expected under the three core Outcomes of the project.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Pakistan
Subject areas: Economic empowerment
Resource type(s): Evaluation reports
Publication year
Number of pages