UN Women has partnered with Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) on increasing awareness of PIA’s travelers/passengers on what constitutes harassment and passenger rights through website, social media, Social Responsibility Initiative and joint campaign and to bring attention for those who do not comply.
UN Women leads the mandate on UNSCR 1325 relating to Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS) which aims to increase meaningful participation of women in the peacebuilding sphere. Particularly for peacekeeping missions in fragile and conflicted areas, women ensure greater access to marginalized communities, help in promoting human rights and protection of civilians, and encourage community women to play a meaningful role in peace and political processes.
Dr. Farah Naz poses with Pakistani female peacekeepers at the National University of Sciences & Technology in Islamabad, Pakistan, on 15 December 2021. Photo: Courtesy of the University
In lieu, UN Women Pakistan has partnered with Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS) at National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on advancing gender-responsive peacekeeping operations. Pakistan is the largest and longest troop-contributing countries for UN peacekeeping forces around the globe, having deployed 200,000 forces since 1960. Through this partnership, the two entities will integrate gender as a cross cutting theme in training modules and advocate for the participation of women in peacekeeping missions.
UN Women is also partnering with National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) of Pakistan to strengthen the capacity of government institutions on gendered dynamics of violent extremism, and to promote peace and tolerance among women and youths through alternative platforms like sports, dialogues, art amongst others. NACTA serves as Government of Pakistan’s focal institute to address rising extremism through policy initiatives and engagement of youth and women in particular.
UN Women partner, Soni Jawari Public Policy Center (SJPPC), works with women farmers to ensure women economic empowerment in Gilgit Baltistan. Photo: UN Women
UN Women has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with Soni Jawari Public Policy Center (SJPPC), based in Gilgit-Baltistan region to provide technical support to SJCPP to integrate gender perspectives in Government of Gilgit Baltistan’s development policies and plans, relating to women empowerment, establish a “Data Hub” to develop evidence-based development policies, and undertake joint initiatives in areas of women economic empowerment, violence against women, women’s political participation, and social cohesion
To advance work on innovative gender financing, so as to unlock private and public sources of finance for women empowerment, UN Women has engaged with important partners from the financial sector of Pakistan – including the central bank and apex financial regulatory of the country, the State Bank of Pakistan.